Current Affairs | National | International | SSC | UPSC 15th August 2024


Kasturi Cotton Bharat program

  • This Ministry of Textiles’ programme is a pioneering effort in the traceability, certification and branding of Indian cotton. 
  • It is operational at the national level and its promotion is being made at national and international platform. 
  • India is contributing to 25% of global production 


Unprecedented Glacier Retreat 

  • Recent glacier retreat across the Andes is unprecedented in the history of human civilization. 
  • Scientists carbon-dated bedrock that had been recently exposed by the retreated glaciers by measuring beryllium-10 and carbon-14 nuclide levels and found that concentrations were nearly zero. 
  • These glaciers are smaller than they've been since the last interglacial period, which ended about 115,000 years ago. 
  • The rock hadn't been exposed during the Holocene Era, which dates back 11,700 years. 


Wind energy generation capacity 2023-24

  •  Gujarat topped in the all-India wind energy generation capacity commissioned for the year 2023 -24. 
  • Karnataka secured second place and Tamil Nadu ranked third.Gujarat’s wind power generation for financial year 2023- 24 is1743.8MW. 
  • Karnataka’s commissioned capacity is 724.66MW and Tamil Nadu’s capacity is 
  • 586.37MW. 


Indian Siris tree 

  • The century-old Indian Siris tree in East Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh, recently collapsed during the Godavari floods. 
  • By early 2024, the lone tree was dubbed as the most photographed tree on the banks of river Godavari in Andhra Pradesh. 
  • Indian Siris, also known as Albizia lebbeck, is a tropical tree native to India and Southeast Asia. 
  • It belongs to the Fabaceae family and is a deciduous tree.

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